The Friar of Novara part 4
Alarmed at the idea of being in a similar predicament, and feeling extremely weak and troubled, such was the impression of the monk`s oratory,...
The Friar of Novara part 3
They are equally cautious not to burden the mind with too much study, finding the truth of the Scripture observation, that it is indeed...
The Friar of Novara part 2
But this excellent and considerate husband was scarcely laid at rest in the ground before tidings of this his last will and testament reached...
The Friar of Novara part 1
Angolo Firenzuola (1493-1546)One of the most brilliant of the Renaissance scholars and poets, Angolo Firenzuola belonged to the group that scandalized even his contem-poraries...
Maese Pfirez the Organist part 11
“Nonsense, sister! Banish these fancies with which the adversary endeavors to overturn weak imaginations. Address a Paternoster and an Ave Marie to the archangel,...
Maese Pfirez the Organist part 10
“There, you see,” the mother superior was saying, “your fear is entirely childish; there is no one in the church. All Seville is trooping...
Maese Pfirez the Organist part 9
“Because,” returned the organist, endeavoring to repress the agitation which revealed itself in the pallor of his face—“because it is so old and poor;...
Maese Pfirez the Organist part 8
At last the looked-for moment arrived, when the priest, after bowing low and murmuring the sacred words, took the host in his hands. The...
Maese Pfirez the Organist part 7
“Ignorance is the boldest of all things. It is true, the fault is not his, so much as theirs who have consented to this...
Maese Pfirez the Organist part 6
“What was that?” asked the great ladies of the chief judge. He had been one of the first to ascend to the organ-loft. Now,...