The Secret History part 17
For they thought the reason for his perjury was not uxoriousness, but his fear of the Empress. But after Theodora died, as I have...
The Secret History part 16
And when he received the monarch’s permission to do this, he left straightway in high spirits, bidding a long farewell to the Roman army...
The Secret History part 15
Since he had been given no funds by the Emperor, he plundered nearly all the Italians living in Ravenna and Sicily, and wherever else...
The Secret History part 14
Now everybody took it for granted that Belisarius had arranged this with his wife and made the agreement about the expedition with the Emperor,...
The Secret History part 13
Quadratus, however, approached only to hand him a letter from the Queen. And thus the letter read: “You know, Sir, your offense against us....
The Secret History part 12
Belisarius, although none of the charges against him were proved, was at the insistence of the Empress relieved of his command by the Emperor;...
The Secret History part 11
But Belisarius, disregarding his word of honor, took no measures to avenge his accomplice’s suffering of such impious treatment as has been told. And...
The Secret History part 10
Later, however, everything that up to this time had been concealed came to light. Discovering Calligonus in the neighborhood, Theodora handed him over to...
The Secret History part 9
Theodora was now in some fear for Antonina, for she had heard what had happened to her; so she sent word to Belisarius to...
The Secret History part 8
When the Persians heard this, already in low spirits over their ill fortune among the Lazi, they now feared if they should meet a...