The Secret History part 37
For Chosroes refused to let this John go, charging that the Romans had disregarded the terms of the truce, as a pledge of which...
The Secret History part 36
The Emperor’s malice was also directed against the astrologer. Accordingly, magistrates appointed to punish thieves also abused the astrologers, for no other reason than...
The Secret History part 35
A similar law w as then passed against the Samaritans, which threw Palestine into an indescribable turmoil.Those, indeed, who lived in my own Caesarea...
The Secret History part 34
These misfortunes, and those that were caused by the Medes, Saracens, Slavs, Antes, and the rest of the barbarians, I described in my previous...
The Secret History part 33
11. How the defender of the faith ruined his subjectsAs soon as Justinian came into power he turned everything upside down. Whatever had been...
The Secret History part 32
Now Theodora was fair of face and of a very graceful, though small, person; her complexion was moderately colorful, if somewhat pale; and her...
The Secret History part 31
So Justinian and Theodora ascended the imperial throne three days before Easter, a time, indeed, when even making visits or greeting one’s friends is...
The Secret History part 30
Justinian, unexpectedly restored to health, straightway undertook to put Theodotus to death as a poisoner and a magician. But since he had no proof...
The Secret History part 29
Later, she followed Hecebolus, a Tyrian who had been made governor of Pentapolis, serving him in the basest of ways; but finally she quarreled...
The Secret History part 28
On the field of pleasure she was never defeated. Often she would go picnicking with ten young men or more, in the flower of...