Launcelot`s Tourney part 5


“My lord,” said Sir Bors, “ye require me of the greatest thing that any man may require me; and wit ye well if I grant to do battle for the Queen, I shall wrath many of my fellowship of the Round Table; but, as for that,” said Sir Bors, “I will grant my lord, for my lord Sir Launcelot`s sake, and for your sake, I will at that day be the Queen`s champion, unless that there come by adventure a better knight than I am to do battle for her.” “Will ye promise this,” said the King, “by your faith?” “Yes, sir,” said Sir Bors, “of that will I not fail you, nor her both: but if that there come a better knight than I am, then shall he have the battle.” Then were the King and the Queen passing glad, thanked him heartily, and so departed.

Sir Brastias

So then Sir Bors departed secretly upon a day, and rode unto Sir Launcelot there as he was with the hermit by Sir Brastias, and told him of all his adventures. “Ah! Jesu,” said Sir Launcelot, “this is happily come as I would have it, and therefore I pray you make you ready to do battle; but look that ye tarry till ye see me come as long as ye may, for I am sure Sir Mador is a hot knight, if he be chafed, for the more ye suffer him, the hastier will he be to do battle.” “Sir,” said Sir Bors, “let me deal with him; doubt ye not yet shall have all your will.” Then departed Sir Bors from him, and came unto the court again.Then was it noised in all the court that Sir Bors should do battle for the Queen; wherefore many knights were greatly displeased with him, that he should take upon him to do battle in the Queen`s quarrel; for there were but few knights in the court but that they deemed the Queen was in the wrong, and that she had done that treason. So Sir Bors answered thus unto his fellows of the Round Table, “Wit ye well, my fair lords, it were shame unto us all, and we suffered to see the most noble queen of the world for to be shamed openly, considering that her lord and our lord is the man of most worship of the world, and the most christened; and he hath always worshiped us all in all places.”

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