Launcelot`s Tourney part 3


And, therefore, Sir Mador, be not so hasty; for it may happen she shall not be all friendless: and, therefore, desire thou the day of battle, and she shall purvey her of some good knight, which shall answer you, or else it were to me great shame, and unto all my court.” “My gracious lord, said Sir Mador, “ye must hold me excused: for, though ye be our King in that degree, ye are but a knight as we are, and ye are sworn unto knighthood as we are: and, therefore, I pray you, that ye will not be displeased; for there is none of the twenty knights that were bidden for to come unto this dinner, but all they have great suspection unto the Queen. What say ye all, my lords?” said Sir Mador.


Then they answered by and by, and said, that they “could not excuse the Queen; for why she made the dinner: and either it must come by her, or by her servants.” “Alas!” said the Queen, “I made this dinner for a good intent, and never for any evil (so God help me in my right!) as I was never purposed to do such evil deeds, and that I report me unto God.” “My lord, the King,” said Sir Mador, “I require you heartily, as ye be a righteous king, give me a day that I may have justice.” “Well,” said King Arthur “I give you a day this day fifteen days, that ye be ready armed on horseback in the meadow beside Westminster; and, if it so fall that there be any knight to encounter with you, there may ye do your best, and God speed the right: and, if it so fall that there be no knight at that day, then must my Queen be burnt, and there shall ye be ready to have her judgment.”“Well I am answered,” said Sir Mador; and every knight went where it liked him. So, when the King and the Queen were together, the King asked the Queen how this case befell. Then answered the Queen, “So God me help, I wot not how, or in what manner.” “Where is Sir Launcelot?” said King Arthur. “An he were here, he would not grudge to do battle for you.” “Sir,” said the Queen, “I cannot tell you where he is; but his brother, and all his kinsmen, deem that he is not within this realm.” “That sore repenteth me,” said King Arthur; “for an he were here, he would full soon stint this strife.

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