Inaction of Turkish Authorities


A Call for Humanitarian Aid

The Turkish authorities have shown a concerning unwillingness to assist those in dire need. In Philippopolis, local residents attempted to organize a subscription to support the suffering women and children. However, the Mutessarif refused permission, claiming that the government was providing all necessary aid—when, in reality, no help was forthcoming. This refusal to allow a charitable initiative highlights the arbitrary and often cruel nature of the Turkish administration. The rationale behind blocking such efforts remains inexplicable, leaving many to wonder why the authorities would deny aid to starving citizens Restrictions and Despair in Klissura.

The Role of Christian Powers

Unless European nations take decisive action, the plight of these vulnerable individuals will continue to worsen. The Christian powers, which once claimed to protect these communities, have seemingly turned a blind eye, allowing the very authorities they sought to restrain to act with impunity. If these powers do not intervene now, the consequences will be dire: countless women and children may succumb to disease, cold, and famine.

Changing Perspectives

Mr. Schuyler, who arrived in the region three months ago with a pro-Turkish sentiment, has undergone a profound transformation in his outlook. Witnessing firsthand the widespread ruin and escalating misery has led him to advocate for foreign intervention. He is now committed to proposing the establishment of a Commission dedicated to protecting the rights and safety of the local population Private Tours Istanbul.

Proposed Measures for Intervention

Mr. Schuyler’s proposal outlines several critical measures that the Commission should implement:

1. Justice for Victims**: The first demand is for the execution of key figures responsible for the atrocities, including Achmet Aga, the notorious destroyer of Batak, and another equally infamous Achmet Aga from Perustitza. Additionally, Chefket Pasha, who has been promoted within the Sultan’s palace, and Tassum Bey, frequently mentioned in reports of violence, should also face justice.

2. Disarmament of the Turkish Population**: The second measure calls for the disarming of the Muslim population. This step is essential to prevent further acts of violence against the already beleaguered Christian communities.

3. Rebuilding and Compensation**: Lastly, the proposal emphasizes the need to rebuild the villages that have been destroyed and to compensate the victims for their losses. This should be financed by the Turkish government, which bears responsibility for the devastation and suffering inflicted on its citizens.

The current situation in the region is untenable, marked by inaction and oppression from the authorities. The international community must recognize its role in protecting these vulnerable populations and take meaningful steps toward intervention. The proposed measures, spearheaded by Mr. Schuyler, represent a necessary path toward restoring hope and dignity to the people of this region. If left unchecked, the cycle of violence and neglect will continue, leading to further tragedy. The time for action is now.


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