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Launcelot`s Tourney part 2

For Sir Gawaine was a passing hot knight of nature; and this Sir Pinell hated Sir Gawaine, because of his kinsman. Sir Lamoracke de Galis: and, therefore, for pure envy and hate, Sir Pinell...

Launcelot`s Tourney part 1

Sir Thomas Malory (Flourished Late 15th Century)Practically nothing is known of this first great writer of English prose romance. Malory`s significance in the development of the English language is, for our purposes, not so...

The Story of Devadatta 1

Somadeva (Flourished about 1070 A.D.)Somadeva (Soma with the Brahminical suffix deva) was a poet of Kashmir. His celebrated collection, the Ocean of Streams of Stories, based upon Buddhist stories, traditions, and an earlier collection...

The Raising of Lazarus 1

The Raising of Lazarus (From the New Testament, John XI)Though this story is part of the larger narrative of the Gospel of St. John, it is a perfect example of the short story. The...

The Jewish Mother 2

The literature of the New Testament (which was written in late Greek) is difficult to classify. It is Jewish, of course, but permeated by a distinctly non-Hebraic spirit. The influence exerted by the narratives...

The History of Susanna 2

And the elders said:—“As we walked in the garden alone, this woman came in with two maids, and shut the garden doors, and sent the maids away. Then a young man, who there was...

The Dream 2

Howbeit the ways were unknown to me: and thereupon I took up my packet, unlocked and unbarred the doors, but those good and faithful doors, which in the night did open of their own...

The Book of Ruth 1

The Book of Ruth (From the Old Testament)Into the extremely complicated questions of authorship, origin and development of the Old Testament it is not necessary to enter. Ruth is one of the most beautifully...

Rabbi Akiva 1

The Talmud is a great collection of law, ritual, precept, and example, which was composed during the period extending from the First Century B.C. to the Fourth Century A.D. The work was the result...

Horatius at the Bridge 1

Ancient RomeIt is a commonplace of literary history that Roman art was largely imitated or derived from the Greek, and in particular that Roman literature contributed little to the world`s store of masterpieces. Yet...